Nelson Mandela Capture Site
"Hole in the Wall" view along the hike from Coffee Bay to Bulungula.
Bulungula. This is a view of Bulungula Lodge's rondavel accommodation. Decidedly one of my favorite places on the planet.
One of the rondavels in Bulungula, where the chief lives.
Spent some time hiking in the Drakensberg Mountains.
Visiting Madiba's neighborhood in Soweto.
Beautiful Western Cape sunset.
AfrikaBurn art/music festival in the desert
Sunset in the Karoo.
Part of our "Heartspace" camp at AfrikaBurn. Yoga, tai chi, cuddle party, dance party space.
One of my favorite art pieces at AfrikaBurn was a string of one hundred balloons that also lit up at night. Rad!
Artists spend months in the middle of the desert building their art pieces, and at the end most of them are burnt down.
Songs to check out (not sure if they're played in the States, but I'm obsessed with them here. Also haven't watched the music videos): (this one's video is kind of depressing, but the song is still good haha) (my favvvvvvvorite right now)